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Saturday, September 14, 2013

David A. Bednar - "Become What You Hope Your Spouse Will Be!"

Elder David A. Bednar and his wife had an incredible conversation with Sheri Dew on "The Mormon Channel."  You can go listen to the whole program here:  Here is some fabulous advice he offered on seeking a spouse:

“As we visit with young adults all over the church often they will ask, ‘What are the characteristics I should look for in a future spouse?”’

"As though they have some checklist of I need to find someone who has these three or four or five things.And I rather forcefully say to them,

‘You are so arrogant to think that you are some catch and that you want someone else who has these five things for you. If you found somebody who had these three or four or five characteristics you are looking for, what makes you think they’d want to marry you? The list is not for evaluating someone else. The list is for you, for me and what I or you need to become. And so if there are three primary characteristics that I hope to find in an eternal companion than those are the three things I ought to be working to become. Then it will be attractive to someone who has those things. So my advice is, you’re not on a shopping spree looking for the greatest value with a series of characteristics. You become what you hope your spouse will be and you’ll have a greater likelihood of finding that person!"